My love needs to be big enough so that my sons never have to fight for it. It must be infinite.
My love needs to be big enough so that my sons never have to fight for it. It must be infinite.
A good way to assess an organization is by examining the types of problems the majority of their time on.
At work, we shouldn’t depend on our companies to find purpose and meaning for us. We have the capability to find it for ourselves.
To break the cycle, I must engage in self-purification that results in direct action.
Can you imagine what organizations would be like if there was so much human energy created that it was “too cheap to meter”? None of the world’s problems would be out of reach. Not one.
The power of listening is that it creates bonds of love and ultimately, goodness.
Life can transform us from selfish into something more gracious - if we let it.
Taking responsibility and doing the right thing to help others is what defines a leader, celebrity doesn’t.
“I hope you are persuaded that our freedom, from the ever growing reach of rules and institutions, is inextricably linked to goodness. But for that to happen, more and more people have to choose the work to walk the path of goodness, rather than power. And that my sons, starts with us and the choices we make every day of our lives.“
I don’t always know who reads these posts, or where in the world they are from.
But if you’re reading this, I hope you are blessed with the gifts of a sturdy table, and a community that gathers around it, just as we are.
Even the best teams and organizations I’ve been part of underperform their potential. We can and should learn from failures. But we can learn just as much from successes with the right questions and approach.
Listening is a skill that builds character. To build the capacity to listen, I need to be comfortable with discomfort.
Death is one of the few things every single person on this Earth has in common. What if our politics were informed by the struggle with death we all have?
If we explore as artists do and introspect as artists do, we can practice leadership as artistry.
For sure, every person is capable of terrible things. But we, as men, don’t have to believe the delusion that we were born with a monster inside us. We have to stop believing that. We can build our identity as men around the parts of us that are most good.
I had a profound realization on a morning walk, on a perfect fall day.
My father taught me how to figure it out. I realize this now. And so there’s nothing to be scared of.
If listening is the key to love, relationships, and trust, choosing to show up is the key to listening.