How do we become good people, not by accident but on purpose?


What readers are saying about ‘Character by Choice’

“This book is part memoir, part moral philosophy, part self-help. Neil takes you on a journey as he explores his own path to understanding how to develop character outside of religion in today’s world. For highest impact, this book should be read one chapter at a time, with time between for reflection. Whether you’re on your own journey to goodness or trying to help parent a child, this is a provocative read!”’

“It’s insightful, thoughtful, comes from a person who is dedicated to clearly doing the right thing not because it is the right thing but it is his ‘dharma’ or spiritual path…He is a dad who clearly is so concerned about the way his sons should learn and see the world and also know that yes, there are some choices which can create better human beings which may not necessarily give us more power but definitely peace and beauty.”

About Character By Choice

"Character By Choice: Letters on Goodness, Courage, and Becoming Better on Purpose" is more than just a book; it is a conversation with the soul. In this profound collection of letters, author Neil G. Tambe reaches into the heart of what it means to live deliberately, to choose a life of purpose and integrity, not through overt spiritual teachings but through the wisdom of everyday life.

Each letter in this book is a mosaic piece, fitting together to form a larger picture of what it means to cultivate character. Tambe doesn't preach from a pulpit; he speaks as a fellow traveler, a father, a thinker, and an observer of the subtle nuances that define our humanity. His words resonate with a deep understanding of the internal struggles and triumphs that define our journey towards personal excellence.

A Word from me, the author

I didn’t originally intend to publish this book. It was supposed to be something my sons would read one day after discovering it on our bookshelf at home. But as I wrote, I knew I was onto something novel and practical about how to become and stay a good, decent, person in an increasingly stressed out world. I became so excited about what I was learning, I knew I had to share it with others.

This is the book of practical guidance and insight I needed, but couldn’t find elsewhere. It is my privilege and honor to share this deeply personal work with you. I hope you get as much out of reading it as I did writing it.

With love from Detroit,