I was mistaken for interpreting weddings as a moment for the splitting and suturing of relationships into a new whole. They are rather the celebration of something anew, instead of rearranging lives they are instances where a new, two-seated life is created.
It makes me wonder, what do our cities say about us? Our homes? Our website history? Even the stuff we generally carry on our persons.
I think we can have strong and drastically different cultures. But if we do, we cannot walk away from discourse and trying really hard to engage in that discourse.
I believe it's important for people to have time by themselves, but a person should never have to be alone.
Instead of naming our blessings, I think naming our fears is the best first step we can take to conquer our fears because it identifies the misalignment. By naming our fears we can see exactly how different our desired reality and our actual realities are and then start bringing them together.
If companies are competing against each other in the long-term, the company built to last will surely perform better. Just like two different world-class runners: one a sprinter, the other a marathoner, the length of their race will determine who wins.
I feel as if I--and others of course--don't know what they hold as their core beliefs beauty shall never hold a plea.
I hope we don't go down in history as the greatest generation. I hope we do down as the generation that never walked away from a challenge or passed a problem onto its children.
Institutions and organizations play an immense role in determining our lives. They can allow for the beauty in our lives to flourish or they can make the world grim.