All in Fatherhood
Thank you, teachers, for everything you do and have done - for me, for our three sons, and for all children. We have all yearned for the rain to drench our gardens, and you have made it pour.
My love needs to be big enough so that my sons never have to fight for it. It must be infinite.
At work, we shouldn’t depend on our companies to find purpose and meaning for us. We have the capability to find it for ourselves.
To break the cycle, I must engage in self-purification that results in direct action.
Life can transform us from selfish into something more gracious - if we let it.
Taking responsibility and doing the right thing to help others is what defines a leader, celebrity doesn’t.
I don’t always know who reads these posts, or where in the world they are from.
But if you’re reading this, I hope you are blessed with the gifts of a sturdy table, and a community that gathers around it, just as we are.
My father taught me how to figure it out. I realize this now. And so there’s nothing to be scared of.
I cannot break my sons’ innocence early by asking them to dance with my heaviest emotions.
Memories decay quickly, instantly. And that makes being present, telling stories, and taking photographs so important. We have to protect the shards we have.
As your father, I promise to love you unconditionally and help you become good people.
The greatest of all choices is choosing whether or not to be a good person.
The question of how to raise good children starts with figuring out how to be a good person myself.
There are men that are trying to reimagine what it means to be a man. As in, how to be a different and hopefully better kind of man.
And we are doing this without role models to draw from. We are breaking ground, and it is remarkable.
I don’t want to make noise about the sacrifices I’ve made, but I don’t want my sacrifices to be insulted by ungrateful children. I don’t want my children feel deep shame or know intense suffering, but I also want them to have opportunities to build inner strength. In some ways I need to tell stories about sacrifice, but in other ways that’s counterproductive.
What’s a parent to do?