Don’t give me a platform without a vision first!
All tagged Leadership
Don’t give me a platform without a vision first!
What would have to be true for every person to contribute 100% of their potential to the world?
If leadership is essentially an act of taking responsibility, how do we create teams where more people take responsibility?
For our marriages to survive and thrive - whether to our soulmate or not - we have to believe that life is better done together, not solo. No amount of love, destiny, resources, compatibility, or compromise can make up for not having this pre-requisite shift in mindset.
We need to be developing leaders by the millions. Yet, leadership development feels like this exclusive club that you have to be anointed into.
Leadership is hard, but not complicated. Why not demystify it?
I was listening to a terrific podcast where Ezra Klein interviewed Tyler Cowen. And Tyler alluded to how weird ideas float around more freely these days - presumably because of diversity, the internet, social media, etc.
I think there’s a lot of implication for people who choose to lead teams and enterprises. How they manage and navigate teams with radically more diversity seems to be a central question of leadership today.
If you have any insights on how to operate in radically diverse environments, I’m all ears. Truly.
Separation of Powers is a brilliant way of preventing concentration of power (and eventually tyranny). Rotation of Powers is an alternative approach.
Organizations fail when they don’t adhere to high standards. Creating that kind of culture that starts with us as individuals.
We have exclusive programs for people with “high-potential”. If we do that, then who exactly is “low-potential”?