If we can't innovate our way out of loss, all we can do is make the love that comes with it deeper and sweeter.
The only way to find time for Type 3 work is to make it, and then fight like hell to protect it.
The priority is special because it’s the first one.
i think there's something lost in a world where all that matters is results.
Why not focus on less?
I think future humans will find the way we manage organizations morally indefensible.
In a sense, I want to be a boring man living in boring times. But in the way compound interest is boring - unnoticed daily but transformational over the course of a lifetime.
For so long, I've had so many vain, selfish, and addictive desires. I suppose I'm writing this post to try to let them go.
The love of family is my realest blessing.
Thank you for sharing a little of your lightness with me.
Showing love is the one thing our kids really need us to get right.
I asked myself, "how much is enough?"
If you can't name what matters and what doesn't, your team is toast.
I wonder if adversarial tactics make more people hate people like me. I hope not.
A management parable, from my breakfast table to yours.
If we value freedom, we should also value goodness.
My reflection on 2016 is that the world keeps going, with or without us.