Resistance against easy
At my angriest or most exhausted especially, I question whether my effort to do the right thing makes a difference.
And then I wonder if I should be a bit more “flexible” in how I choose to act. Because…
…I could angle for a promotion by courting competing offers that I never intend to take.
…I could get my colleagues to bend to my will by shaming them a little during a team meeting, sending a nasty email, or politicking with their boss.
…I could yell more at my kids or threaten them with no more ice cream.
…I could pawn domestic responsibilities off on my wife or run to my parents to bail me out.
…I could adhere to a rule of “no new friends” and prioritize the relationships in my life based on social status or what that person can do for me.
…I could say “because I said so”, much more.
…I could make all my blog posts click bait or say things I don’t actually believe to get more popular.
…I could find reasons to take more business trips or weekends with buddies to get away.
…I could play with facts to make them more persuasive.
…I could keep my head down if I notice little problems or injustices that others don’t.
…I could stop listening or talk over quieter people so that I can be heard.
…I could just throw away the toys the kids leave all over the floor.
…I could tear down others ideas, with no viable alternatives, to gain supporters.
…I could, literally, sweep dust under the rug.
…I could do these things to make it a little easier.
Lots of people do, right?
And honestly, I for sure still fail my better angels no matter how hard I try. I’m no perfect man, especially when it it comes to that one about yelling at my kids (yikes).
But damn, if I did shit like this on purpose, what would that make me?
“But what would that make me?” is all I need to ask myself when I want to stop trying so hard. That sets me straight when I want to loosen up a little on principles.
I share all this because I’m feeling the weight of the daily grind a little extra today. And I know I’m not the only one who fights the urge to compromise on their principles, even just slightly.
We could. But what would that make us?