Ideas from Detroit x Neil Tambe

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Introducing a new project: Choosing Goodness

For almost two years I have been writing a series of letters to my then unborn, now 14 month old son (and any other children we have in the future). My original intent was to publish it in a book.  

But I was grabbing a drink with a friend today, who has written books, and he reminded me that most books are never read. 

So I thought, why not just share it? In about 3 seconds I realized that there was no reason not to.

So here I am, I made this.

Here’s a link to the page which has the first letter, which is the dedication. I’ll post the rest there too, with the next coming in the first week of January.

I’ll publish at least one letter / essay a month. And maybe when I’m done I’ll edit it all into a volume and print a copy for our home library, and anyone else who wants it.

I’d love to hear what you think, privately or in the comments.
